Privacy policy

This page describes how the Website is managed with reference to the processing of Personal Data of Users who visit it, pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code) and EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR).

  1. Type of data processed

Browsing/usage data

During normal operation, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Website acquire certain types of Personal Data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected for the purpose of associating it with individual users, however it may enable the identification of users due to its nature, through processing and associations with data held by third parties. This data category includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the website, the URIs (Uniform Resource identifiers) of requested resources, request times, the method used to submit requests to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code specifying the status of the response provided by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters pertaining to the operative system and the user’s computer environment.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to addresses indicated on this website entails the successive acquisition of the sender’s address which is required to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data contained in the sender’s correspondence.

Cookies – Read relative information statement

Personal Data processed for access to website services

  • Contact form:
    Email address, Name, Surname, Company, Telephone number


  1. Purposes of processing

The browsing/usage data described in Section 1 above, is used solely for the purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on Website use and correct operation. The data could be used for determination of liability in the event of alleged cybercrimes to the website’s detriment.

Personal Data provided voluntarily by Users visiting the Website shall be processed for the following purposes:

  • Contacting the User
  • Statistics on Website visits
  • Traffic optimisation and distribution
  • Interaction with social networks and external platforms


  1. Legal basis for processing

Personal Data supplied voluntarily by Users shall be processed pursuant to consent provided during Website registration. Technical information strictly necessary for service provision (browsing/usage data) shall be processed since it is required for pursuit of our legitimate interest in optimising the Website and for the purpose of improving its performance and content.


  1. Data processing and storage period

Data processing shall be executed both manually and using computerised and telematic tools by email or ordinary mail. Data shall be retained in both hardcopy and electronic files for the period strictly necessary to achieve purposes described in Section 2 and, in any case, following the fulfilment of said purposes.
Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the loss, illegal or incorrect use of data and unauthorized access.


  1. Compulsory or optional data provision

Unless otherwise specified for browsing data, provision by the User of the Personal Data requested by the various Website services is optional. Failure to provide said data may result in the user being unable to receive what they have requested.


  1. Personal Data communication and disclosure

Personal Data collected by the Website is not subject to generalised disclosure. Said Data may be processed, for the purposes described in Section 2, by parties responsible for data processing and information systems, and by parties responsible for technical administration of the Website.


  1. Rights of the data subject

Privacy legislation (Articles 7-10 of the Italian Privacy Code and Articles 12-22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679) gives Data Subjects the right to be informed as to processing of data concerning them and the right to access the said data at any time and to request its updating, completion and rectification. Where the legal conditions are met, Data Subjects may also exercise the right to data erasure, processing restriction, data portability and objection to processing, as well as the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing.
Where Personal Data processing is subject to the Data Subject’s consent, the latter has the right to withdraw provided consent.
To exercise their rights, and for more detailed information on the parties or categories of parties to whom data is disclosed or who come into the knowledge of it in their capacity as controllers or data protection officers, data subjects may contact us at the following email address and phone number.
If data subjects have reason to believe their rights have been breached, they may lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority.


  1. Data Controller and data protection officers

The Data Controller is GEAS Rivestimenti Srl and is based in via dell’Industria 8, Casirate d’Adda (BG). An updated list of data protection officers is stored at the registered office of the Data controller.


  1. Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, notifying Users on this web page. Therefore you are requested to consult this web page frequently and to refer to the most recent date, indicated at the bottom. If the User does not accept changes made to this privacy policy, they may request the Data Controller to remove their personal data. Unless otherwise specified, the most recent Privacy Policy shall continue to apply to Personal Data collected thus far.